Over the weekend of 3/22/2024 – 3/24/2024, around 160 college and young-working saints and friends gathered at the Ashland Woods Fellowship Center for a retreat. The topic of the time was
Living a New Life – Laying Aside the Old Man and Putting on the New Man.
During the conference, we tackled questions that many Christians may have, such as: “Do I change from my old life to the new automatically, or do I need to intentionally choose to change?” or “Why does my old life sometimes feel so powerful when I fall backward to the old?” We were all encouraged to see how the Cross of Christ is not only the place where forgiveness of sin was accomplished, but also where the One New Man was created. Now we are brought into a new community within God’s new creation of the new man, which changes our living and is powered by learning Christ and not greiving the Spirit. Below are links to each individual message with a recording, along with a transcript, which will all be added over the next few weeks. We hope that these can be a blessing to the Body and enrich our Christian lives.
2024 Spring College Retreat Messages – Outline
Message 1:
Message 2:
Christ Created the New Man on the Cross
Message 3:
The Old Creation vs. The New Creation
Message 4:
The New Man is a New Realm, a Renewed Existence, and includes a New Community
Message 5:
The Intentional Living in the New Man
Message 6:
The Wonderful Together Life of the New Man Lived Out in the Church Life
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